Our practice is culturally sensitive and welcomes members of the LGBTQ community, individuals of all cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientation, gender identity and disabilities. The therapist has had the opportunity to understand how psychopathology can be used to inform our knowledge of the human mind and learn the formation and structure of the human psyche. We treat children 8 years and up, youth and adults that suffer from varied types of mental illness such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, trauma-related disorders, depression and many more.
Our goal is to help our clients feel empowered by managing their feelings and emotions, develop a sense of liberation and help them gain clear insight towards their personal values and beliefs. We believe that it is of fundamental value that we serve our clients by recognizing the validity and transparency of the existing therapeutic working models that illustrate factual remediation and embody effective forms of relieving and assisting clients from diverse populations.
Types of Counselling
Individual Counselling
Individual psychotherapy includes one-on-one therapy for clients to explore their thoughts, emotions, and areas of need with the therapist. Therapists utilize the most appropriate therapeutic approach to meet and respect client’s individual needs.
Child-Parent Counselling
Child-parent counselling is primarily focused on strengthening the attachment and bond between the child and parent. The goal is to provide a sense of security and safety, provide coping skills to both child and parent and improve their overall relationship and mental health.
Health and Wellness Counselling
Health and wellness counselling aims to motivate and support clients by providing individualized tools and a treatment plan that supports their emotional and physical health goals. According to The World Health Organization (WHO) states that there is a fundamental link between Mental and physical health and that it is crucial to develop strategies that will avoid chronic physical conditions. Health and wellness counsellors work with the client to implement wellness practices that promote physical activity, develop healthy eating habits to improve mood , stress management, confidence building exercises, lifestyle changes and more.
Child and Youth Counselling
Child and youth counsellors provide services to children, youth, and their family. The focus is to develop, promote, and solve the client’s emotional, social, personal, or interpersonal problems. In addition, child and youth workers provide crises and support treatment, family capacity building, and other services that treat the clients mental health condition.
WSIB Counselling
We provide treatment and assessment for individuals who have experienced a work-related accident, stress and cumulative incidents such as chronic mental illness, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and many other psychological impairments. You may qualify for psychology and psychotherapy coverage by registering a Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) claim. For more information for approving treatment and counselling, please contact us directly, and a member of our team will provide you with the necessary steps.